Quarterly Performance Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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Quarterly Performance Evaluation Meeting

Quarterly Performance Evaluation Meeting

January 8, 2025 | Other Activities

Today, Wednesday (08/01), BPS East OKU District conducted a Quarterly Performance Evaluation Meeting in the BPS East OKU District meeting room.

Led by the Head of BPS East OKU District, Ir. H. Budiriyanto, M.A.P., and attended by all employees involved in the Government Institution Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) team of BPS East OKU District, the meeting aimed to monitor and evaluate the achievement of the fourth quarter performance targets set at the beginning of 2024. Additionally, the meeting also monitored and evaluated the achievement of the medium-term performance targets of BPS East OKU District from 2020 to 2024.

Based on the evaluation, BPS East OKU District successfully achieved its performance target in 2024 with an achievement of 108%, simultaneously meeting the medium-term performance target for 2020-2024. Furthermore, the evaluation of the 2024 SAKIP implementation by the BPS evaluation team resulted in BPS East OKU District obtaining a score of 73.70 points (excellent category), an improvement from the previous year's score of 73.30 points. This is an extraordinary achievement accomplished by BPS East OKU District at the beginning of 2025.

Going forward, the BPS East OKU District SAKIP team is expected to enhance the quality of data collection and performance reporting to maintain and even improve upon the achievements that have been attained.

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