February 19, 2024 | Other Activities
Weekly evaluation meeting is a regular agenda that is never missed, in order to review performance achievements and formulate strategies for the following week at BPS OKU Timur District.
Led directly by the Head of BPS OKU Timur District, Ir. H. Budiriyanto M.A.P, the meeting was attended by all structural officials and field coordinators. The meeting atmosphere was very dynamic, where each team actively shared the progress of ongoing activities, obstacles, and solutions related to ongoing programs and activities.
Here are some important points discussed in the weekly evaluation meeting:
Monitoring of the National Economic Survey (SUSENAS)
2-1-2 Treatment on SUSENAS
Implementation Plan of the program run by Change Ambassador
Appointment of a new Decree for the Bureaucratic Reform Team and Preparation for the Swearing-in of Civil Servants and the Swearing-in of Irvan Permana Bustami S.Tr. Stat and Nur Meiliza S.Tr Stat
How is the evaluation meeting at your institution? Share your experience in the comments!
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