Signing of Joint Commitment and Socialization of Desa Cantik Websit of Sidomulyo - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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Signing of Joint Commitment and Socialization of Desa Cantik Websit of Sidomulyo

Signing of Joint Commitment and Socialization of Desa Cantik Websit of Sidomulyo

January 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Today (30/01), the construction of additional beautiful villages has arrived at the final stage. Today's activity is the signing of a joint commitment which was directly chaired by the Head of BPS East OKU Regency, namely Ir. H. Budiriyanto, MAP. and Sidomulyo Village Head Doni Hadrian. The signing shows the village's commitment that beautiful village activities do not stop here, but are activities that will be carried out continuously.

In today's activity, we also launched the output produced by Sidomulyo Village, namely the beautiful Sidomulyo village website. The presentation of the website was carried out by 2 Sidomulyo village statistical agents, namely Sunarman and Wawan Didit Mulyono. The presentation explained the data collected, the data update mechanism, complaint services, and many other things. Previously there was an explanation and reaffirmation delivered by this year's descan supervisor, namely Istikomah, SE. and Irvan Permana Bustami, S.Tr.Stat.

Let's work together to ensure that Sidomulyo village becomes the best beautiful village at the provincial and national level.

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