September 17, 2023 | BPS Activities
Today, (17/9) during the weekend, BPS East OKU Regency continues to carry out field supervision of PL-KUMKM 2023. This field supervision is carried out in one of the economic centers, namely Gumawang Village, Belitang District. Carried out by the Head of BPS East OKU Regency, Ir. H. Budiriyanto, M.A.P with his team. Rillando Maranansha Noor, S.E as the District Census Coordinator accompanied Subject Matter Feri Oktariansyah, S.E in supervising the field data collection.
An accurate Single Database of Cooperatives and MSMEs is the goal of monitoring the PL-KUMKM2023 field data collection. To achieve this goal, economic central points such as Gumawang village will be in special focus in monitoring the PL-KUMKM2023 field data collection.
Give us the real data, #sahabatdata OK?
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