June 14, 2023 | BPS Activities
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Supervision is needed to maintain the quality of data collection results when the census/survey is in progress. Therefore, PLH Head of BPS East OKU Regency, Jupni Amnus, SE., MM., supervised several sub-districts in East OKU Regency during the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023).
Apart from that, the field officers also continued to be enthusiastic about recording agriculture in all areas of East OKU Regency. The sub-district census coordinator (Koseka) and field inspector (PML) continue to provide assistance when recording agricultural households by field data officers (PPL) in order to maintain the quality of the data collected. It is hoped that the enthusiasm of these officers will continue to be maintained until this data collection ends in order to make the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) successful.
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