SiApel in BPS East OKU District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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SiApel in BPS East OKU District

SiApel in BPS East OKU District

June 10, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday, June 10, 2024, the BPS East OKU District held another SiApel event. SiApel is one part of the innovation and change to realize a work unit that upholds the Integrity Zone in Bureaucratic Reform at BPS East OKU District.

In this SiApel event, Yusra Yuriza S.P acted as the instructor with Farindra S.Sos as the leader.

The mandate in the SiApel event contained problems, evaluations or information related to urgent work that needed to be conveyed to all employees, which was filled in by each technical team leader through the link provided.

After the mandate was delivered, the series of SiApel activities was the reading of the Quote Of The Week selected from the Change Ambassador BPS East OKU District. For this SiApel, the selected quote is a quote from Agustina Purnamadewi S.ST which reads "The best human being is one who is beneficial to others. Whatever our circumstances, let us continue to spread benefits to others".

It is hoped that with this SiApel activity, it will be able to build work discipline, increase work enthusiasm, improve togetherness and family spirit, convey important information to employees as well as evaluations that can be known by each employee.

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