July 6, 2023 | BPS Activities
BPS OKU Timur Regency conducted training for data processing officers for the 2023 Agricultural Census which was held at the Parai Puri Tani Martapura Hotel which was carried out in 3 batches on July 4, 5 and 6 2023. This training activity was officially opened by the Daily Executive Head of BPS OKU Regency Timur namely Mr. Jupni Amnus, S.E., M.M. Don't forget that there are fun instructors here. There are Mr. Anwar, Mr. Uda Lando, Ms. Bunga, Mr. Yoga, Ms. Jasmine, and Mr. Irvan.
Do you know?
The 2023 Agricultural Census Processing Officers are divided into 3 clans. The first clan is the Receiving Batching Clan, the second clan is the Editing Coding Clan, and the third clan is the Data Entry Operator Clan. The duties of each Clan are as follows:
The Receiving Batching Clan has the role of receiving and recapitulating documents from the District Census Coordinator.
The Editing Coding clan has the role of correcting writing, checking code entries, and checking the consistency of document entries.
Meanwhile, the Data Entry Operator Clan plays the role of transferring physical data into digital data into processing software.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur(Statistics Indonesia East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency)Jl. Adiwiyata Km 07 (SP. Lingot) Kota Baru Selatan - Martapura (32181)
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