BPS OKU Timur and Nurul Huda University Collaborate on KKN and Beautiful Village Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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BPS OKU Timur and Nurul Huda University Collaborate on KKN and Beautiful Village Activities

BPS OKU Timur and Nurul Huda University Collaborate on KKN and Beautiful Village Activities

July 6, 2023 | Other Activities

 OKU Timur and Nurul Huda University Collaborate on KKN and Beautiful Village Activities

Nurul Huda University (Unuha) carried out the Socialization and Debriefing of the 2023 Thematic KKN Work Program on Thursday (6/7) in the Hall of Campus A, Nurul Huda University.

On this occasion the Acting Head of BPS OKU East Regency, Jupni Amnus, SE, MM, Chair of the Beautiful Village Team Rillando Maranansha Noor, SE, Chair of the IPDS Function, Zahid Muttaqin, SST and Advisor of the Beautiful Village, Aulia Ikhsan, A.Md.

The presence of BPS is related to the collaboration that has been initiated for the implementation of the Thematic KKN, where students who carry out the KKN will also assist statistical agents in the village in collecting village profile data which will lead to output in the form of Publication of Village Profiles, Village Infographics, and data on the Web Bumi Sriwijaya which is being developed by BPS South Sumatra Province.

BPS also socialized data entry on the Bumi Sriwijaya website which was submitted by the East OKU beautiful village supervisor for 2023, Aulia Ikhsan, A.Md.

The thematic KKN itself is scheduled to be carried out in Semendawai Barat and Cempaka Districts starting this July.

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