Opening of the March Susenas and Q1 Seruti Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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Opening of the March Susenas and Q1 Seruti Training

Opening of the March Susenas and Q1 Seruti Training

January 14, 2025 | BPS Activities

The opening of the March Social Economic National Survey (Susenas) and Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti) Q1 training, which was held online via Zoom Meeting, has been successfully conducted. The training was officially opened by the Head of the OKU Timur District BPS, Mr. Ir. H. Budiriyanto, M.A.P.

This training aims to improve the understanding and competence of survey officers in collecting quality and accurate data. The data collected through this survey plays an important role in supporting development planning and policies, both at the regional and national levels.

In the first wave of this training, Mr. Agus Sutopo, S.ST., a National Instructor, had the opportunity to provide material to the participants. It is hoped that with optimal training, all survey officers can carry out their duties with high professionalism and produce reliable data.

Thank you to all parties who have participated in this training. Let us work together to succeed in the implementation of the March Susenas and Q1 Seruti in order to provide quality data to support the development of a better Indonesia!

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