Preparation of Priority Data for East OKU Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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Preparation of Priority Data for East OKU Regency

Preparation of Priority Data for East OKU Regency

June 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Sahabatdata, today (12/6) East OKU Regency BPS attended the East OKU Regency Priority Data Preparation Meeting at the Bappeda and Research and Development Office.

The meeting was attended by elements of the East OKU Regency One Data Forum, namely Bappeda and Litbang as secretariat, Diskominfo as data guardian and BPS as data supervisor.

On this occasion, BPS East OKU Regency, through the Chair of the Sectoral Statistics Development Team, Rillando Maranansha Noor, SE, conveyed suggestions as a data supervisor that the data list and priority data must be prepared according to the existing implementation instructions (juklak), especially the format and criteria. Various examples of sectoral data that could be used as priority data were also explained by the NWAS Section Staff of BPS East OKU Regency, Irvan Permana Bustami, S.Tr. Stat.

After the data list has been identified by the data producer and has been verified by the data guardian, the East OKU Regency One Data Forum will determine the priority data for East OKU Regency which will be stated in the East OKU Regent's Decree.

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