Award Ceremony for the Best Data Collectors of Village Potential (PODES) 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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Award Ceremony for the Best Data Collectors of Village Potential (PODES) 2024

Award Ceremony for the Best Data Collectors of Village Potential (PODES) 2024

June 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

With a deep sense of pride and appreciation, we would like to express our gratitude to the 4 best data collectors in the Village Potential (PODES) program:

1. Sutikno

2. Siswoyo

3. Damsiki

4. Yosrizal Taufik

Their dedication and hard work in making the PODES program a success are truly remarkable. Their perseverance in gathering data and information about village potential is commendable.

Thanks to their commitment and professionalism, the PODES data produced is accurate and reliable. This will certainly be very beneficial for data users.

We are presenting this award as a form of appreciation for their invaluable contribution.

The four of them, with their meticulousness and patience, have succeeded in collecting complete and detailed data. With their friendliness and good communication, they have succeeded in establishing harmonious relationships with the village community.

Their achievements are a real example for all of us that dedication and hard work can produce something extraordinary.

Let us make them an inspiration to continue working and making the best contribution to the nation and state.

Once again, we congratulate and thank Sutikno, Siswoyo, Damsiki, and Yosrizal Taufik.

Their contributions will always be remembered and appreciated.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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