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Pancasila: The Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

Pancasila: The Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

Pancasila: The Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

June 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Pancasila, the foundation of the Indonesian state, is not just a collection of written words, but the unifying spirit of the nation that will lead us towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Its noble values, Divinity, Humanity, Unity, Democracy and Social Justice, become a moral compass that guides us in building a just, prosperous and prosperous nation.

In the era of globalization, Pancasila is increasingly relevant as a stronghold of identity and a source of strength in facing various challenges and changes.

The younger generation, as the nation's successors, has the responsibility to preserve and practice Pancasila in everyday life.

Together, let's ignite the spirit of Pancasila and create a Golden Indonesia 2045, where prosperity and social justice are created for all Indonesian people.

Happy Pancasila Birthday 2024!

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