January 22, 2024 | Other Activities
Monday (22/01) BPS East OKU Regency carried out a roll call activity that was different from the official roll call. This first roll call is one part of the innovative changes that BPS East OKU Regency is carrying out in the creation of work units that uphold the Integrity Zone in Bureaucratic Reform. This activity was introduced as "SIAPEL" (Ready Roll) In contrast to the official ceremony, this apple activity is summarized by only two officers, namely the apple leader and the apple supervisor. This SiApel was led by Bagus Nugroho Rizki S.ST with the supervisor Jupni Amnus S.E, M.M It's not just the officers, in the Mandate section the preparedness activities are different from the usual routine roll call. The mandate for this activity contains problems, evaluations or work-related information that is urgent and needs to be conveyed to all employees, which is filled in by each technical team leader via the link provided. Meanwhile, the mandate for routine Apple meetings is usually an official mandate from Central BPS It is hoped that this Siapel activity will be able to improve employee discipline and also become a medium for distributing information and evaluation that can be known by every employee.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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