TPB OKU Timur Visits TPI OKU for EPSS Interview - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency

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TPB OKU Timur Visits TPI OKU for EPSS Interview

TPB OKU Timur Visits TPI OKU for EPSS Interview

August 7, 2023 | Other Activities

Did you know that statistics consist of basic, sectoral and special statistics. Basic statistics are the absolute domain of BPS. In the other 2 types of statistics, namely sectoral and special, BPS acts as a data supervisor.

Sectoral statistics themselves are the domain of K/L/D/I. The role of data is increasingly important today. Even President Joko Widodo once stated that data is the nation's new wealth, more valuable than oil.

Sectoral statistics carried out by K/L/D/I are currently also being evaluated through the Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) conducted by BPS and will produce a Statistics Development Index (IPS).

The East OKU Regency BPS Agency Assessment Team (TPB), consisting of Rillando Maranansha Noor, SE, Zahid Muttaqin, SST, and Surya Wagito, SST, on Monday (7/8) conducted an interview with the OKU Regency Government Internal Assessment Team (TPI) in OKU Regency BPS Meeting Room. The interview process discussed various supporting evidence included in each indicator.

The head of the TPB BPS, OKU Timur Regency, Rillando Maranansha Noor, SE emphasized that although as an assessor the objective is to make an assessment, the TPB must maintain the harmonization of BPS and the Regional Government that has been established and continue to carry out the statistical development function.

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