February 22, 2023 | BPS Activities
ARE YOU THE ONE WE ARE LOOKING FOR #Sahabatdata did you know that the Agricultural Census (ST2023) will start in 99 days, to be exact from 1 June to 31 July 2023. We urge all data friends to participate as ST2023 field officers. Registration and administrative selection will be open from 22-26 February 2023. Administrative registration via the link s.bps.go.id/rekrutmentST2023 For those who are interested and meet the specified requirements, please register on the link provided. Data friends are also required to have a BPS Friends account. Tilapia Shark... We are waiting for your application... To BP Peliung to buy bricks... Let's join data warriors... #recruitment2023 #towardsST2023 #ST2023
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur(Statistics Indonesia East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency)Jl. Adiwiyata Km 07 (SP. Lingot) Kota Baru Selatan - Martapura (32181)
Telp/Fax : (0735) 481606
Email : bps1609@bps.go.id